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PDing Copyright Infringement
and Protection Policy Guidelines

18. 03. 24 ~

PDing Creator’s Copyright Protection Policy Guide

PDing ("the Service" or "PDing") operated by PDing LLC ("the Company") supports all PDs ("Creators" or "Producers") under the slogan "Anyone can be a PD" to unleash their potential. PDing is a comprehensive PPV(Pay Per View)-based platform that allows freedom of expression. As long as the content complies with PDing's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, creators can freely produce content and sell it to fans. This freedom of expression must be balanced with safety.

  • All copyrights and ownership of content uploaded to PDing belong to the creators (hereinafter, PD). To effectively operate its services, PDing requires a license for such materials. By providing works or otherwise posting on PDing, you grant the Company a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, re-licensable, worldwide license to use, copy, reproduce, store, translate, transmit, distribute, perform, prepare derivative works, publicly display, and exhibit your works or related names, usernames, voices, or likenesses in all formats and channels known now or developed later worldwide. If your work contains personal data, you acknowledge the Company's "legitimate interest" in the scope of this license.

  • To become a fan, you can purchase works uploaded by PDs on PDing using “Tree”. By agreeing to these terms and fully paying all applicable fees, if the offering includes access to one or more creator works, you receive a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, revocable limited license for personal, private, non-commercial, and non-profit purposes to access and view those works. Such accessed works are generally available for continued use but may become unavailable as described below.

  • Therefore, PDing does not allow content downloads and has a dedicated team ( to support the protection of the creator's content.

Copying content on PDing is a violation of the Terms of Service. PDing complies with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code) to promptly respond to copyright infringement claims and remove or disable access to suspected infringing user content. For complete information and details on how the Company handles copyright infringement claims, see the DMCA policy.

PDing Rights Infringement Regulatory Items

1) Copyright Infringement

  • Unauthorized editing, posting, copying, distribution, and transmission of materials without permission from the copyright holder.

  • Infringing activities against works reported by copyright holders for rights infringement.

  • Infringement activities of copyrights of sports, movies, animations, TV channels, etc., without copyright.

  • Sharing or distributing materials intended to neutralize technical protection measures for copyright protection, such as CD key generators, bugs, hacks, etc.

  • Attempting to sell online/offline content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others, such as pornographic, utility, game, movie content.

  • Unauthorized infringement of others' trademark rights, design rights, etc.

  • Content that clearly belongs to a company or individual with evident copyright.

  • Posting others' photos, videos, etc., without permission, significantly infringing on someone's personality rights.

2)  Infringement of Others' Rights

  • Unauthorized posting or leaking of a third party's personal information (name, social security number, address, photo, mobile number, email address, user ID, home address, etc.) infringing on privacy, portrait rights.

  • Broadcasting others' broadcasts without permission.

  • Including content that harms others through prank calls.

  • All content that infringes on others' rights without legitimate authority.

3) Defamation

  • Slandering or spreading false information about an individual or organization.

  • Including content that insults or offends a specific person with cursing, slander, disparagement, or vulgar expressions.

  • Acts of attacking or slandering others' weaknesses and insulting them.

  • Speaking private information about others against their will.

  • Speaking false or unverified information about others against their will.

  • Acts that harm others' name, status, social status, personality, etc.

  • Acts of demeaning specific politicians and engaging in political agitation.

  • In cases of defamation where the act and target are specified, the party's intent for punishment is also confirmed.

4) Others (Self-Standards)

  • Acts that interfere with or negatively affect the operation of the service.

  • Promoting domestic/international services not coordinated with PDing and inducing subscription or use.

  • Corporations, organizations, individuals, and those affiliated with them broadcasting on our platform without coordinating with PDing for recruiting other platforms.

  • Illegally appropriating other creators' content without permission.

  • Acts of broadcasting content on behalf of others.

  • Acts of deceiving users or gaining benefits by impersonating service names or employees, service-related management, causing damage and confusion.

  • Acts that violate the service's own standards aside from the items above.

Rights holders who claim their rights have been infringed according to the above regulatory items can fill out an "Online Service Provider's Copy/Transmission Interruption Request Form" and request the Company to stop the copy/transmission of the relevant post. Upon receipt of the request form, the Company will immediately stop the copy/transmission and notify the person (the copier/transmitter) who copies/transmits the post or others, and after a due clarification process, notify of the post's suspension or resumption of posting. (*Note, in cases of clear copyright infringement, posts may be removed without prior warning.)

PDing Creator’s Copyright Protection Policy Process

Step 1. Report

PDing has a team dedicated to copyright infringement reporting to implement strict protection policies, including handling methods and reporting procedures for violations. If you have suffered from copyright infringement or rights infringement, you can report it by including the following information and emailing it to

💡 How to Submit an Infringement Claim Notice

(a) PDing ID or nickname

(b) Email address for response

(c) Report URL

(d) Type of report (Copyright infringement / Rights infringement / Others)

(e) Reason for the report

(f) A statement that the information provided in the notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

Step 2. Investigation and Action

The copyright infringement reporting center's personnel ( will conduct an investigation based on the received information. If there's a request to stop the duplication/transmission from the rights claimant, the personnel will immediately stop the duplication/transmission of the post and notify the person (the duplicator/transmitter) of the fact (list of duplication/transmission stopped).

  • 1) Warning

    • Minor violation

    • Violation occurred against the creator's will

    • The creator was unaware of the violation

    • Violation by another party

  • 2) Suspension of Use

    • In case of violating operational policies

    • If there's a malicious intent

    • In cases of severe violations causing social issues and damaging the service's image

  • 3) Timing of Action

    • Immediate or post-action (via message)

    • Suspension to be implemented within a maximum of 3 days upon awareness of the violation

  • 4) Duration of Suspension

    • 3 days / 7 days / 30 days / Permanent suspension

    ※ Violations will be addressed with a warning and suspension.

    ※ Warning and suspension durations are determined based on the severity, content, and frequency of the violation of the operational policy.

    ※ In cases of major violations that cause social issues or severely damage the service's image, irrespective of previous warnings or suspensions, a minimum of 30 days suspension will be applied.

    ※ Actions deemed socially unacceptable or illegal will be strictly dealt with.

    ※ Users suspended for violations cannot refund or exchange purchased Trees.

  • 5) Request for Clarification and Review of Content Reposting

    • If a duplicator/transmitter wishes to prove their rightful ownership or authorization of the content, they must submit a "Request for Reposting to the Online Service Provider" to the "Copyright Infringement Reporting Center" via email (

    • Duplicators/transmitters should be aware that if they provide false information or documents in their request for reposting, they will be legally liable.

[PDing Illegal Filming and Youth Protection Policy]

PDing Youth Protection Policy Guide

PDing ("the Service" or "PDing") operated by PDing LLC ("the Company") supports all creators under the slogan "Anyone can be a PD," enabling them to maximize their potential.

PDing is an inclusive PPV-based platform that allows freedom of expression. As long as the content adheres to PDing's Terms of Service and policies, creators are free to produce and sell content to their fans. This freedom must be balanced with safety.

Therefore, PDing has established service operation standards and regulatory policies to foster a healthy communication culture between creators and fans, protect youths from harmful information, and uphold the rights and welfare of youths.

To provide a safe platform for creators and fans while maximizing the freedom to create content and generate income under legal protection, PDing monitors all content on its system. Consequently, content violating the guidelines will be immediately removed or blocked, and the violating users may be subject to permanent suspension.

All content uploaded to the PDing platform is subject to these guidelines, and any post or comment containing the following is considered a violation:

PDing Youth Protection Policy Regulatory Items

1) Obscenity

  • Content showing nudity or explicit exposure of genitalia, pubic hair, anus, or female nipples through transparent clothing (including images partially covered by stickers or other means)

  • Content exploiting children or adolescents sexually

  • Content featuring youths in school uniforms in a manner that suggests sexualization

  • Direct depiction of sexual acts between individuals, oral sex, anal sex, genital stimulation, etc.

  • Direct depiction or glorification of sexual violence, rape, gang rape, sexual abuse, etc.

  • Depiction of sexual activities, masturbation, etc., using body parts or sex toys

  • Depiction of bestiality, necrophilia, incest, sexual torture, and other abnormal sexual behaviors

  • Content that could be interpreted as sexual contact or masturbation, even if partially clothed

  • Kissing scenes involving tongue contact or wide-open mouths that could be interpreted as more than light kissing

  • Promoting unhealthy relationships, including adult phone sex, webcam chats, adult massage services, adult website promotion, arranging group sex, or sex partners for payment

  • Stricter limits on exposure when wearing outfits that could sexualize minors (e.g., school uniforms) due to legal and societal norms strictly prohibiting such actions

2) Illegality

  • Engaging in or promoting prostitution

  • Promoting gambling within games, private servers, or paid ranking services

  • Distributing others' personal information

  • Content that stimulates or glorifies illegal acts such as sexual violence or drug use

  • Glorifying, encouraging, or instigating crime

  • Detailed depiction of criminal acts or methods that could encourage crime

  • Promoting illegal private gambling sites

  • Soliciting, encouraging, or facilitating murder

  • Promoting pornographic information or services of debauchery

  • Selling or promoting illegal products to users

  • Distributing viruses, malware, or any program that harms the user's environment

  • All other content that violates laws and regulations

3) Profanity, Violence, Hate, Harmful to Youths

  • Specifically detailing information on drugs/harmful substances that could encourage usage or intermediation

  • Content that could promote unhealthy relationships among youths

  • Encouraging runaway behavior, violence, suicide, and other antisocial behaviors among youths

  • Content related to cosmetic or sexual health clinics (urology, gynecology, plastic surgery, etc.) that could stimulate or glorify decadent behavior

  • Content that insults or causes discomfort or hatred through vulgar expressions or verbal violence

  • Depicting or glorifying violence against social minorities, parents, or teachers

  • Glorifying criminal activities or criminals and encouraging crime

  • Specifically detailing the efficacy and manufacturing methods of drugs harmful to youths to encourage production and use

  • Encouraging link access to grotesque scenes involving physical mutilation or abundant bloodshed

  • All other cases that contravene related laws and terms of use

Individuals requiring support according to the Youth Protection Policy guidelines can seek counseling and grievance handling through the email address provided below. PDing has appointed youth protection management personnel to implement strict protection policies, including legal and penal standards for youth protection, handling methods upon discovering harmful information, and reporting procedures for violations.

PDing Youth Protection Policy Support Process

Step 1. Reporting

If you encounter harmful content or illegal filming violating the Youth Protection Policy, please report it by including the following information and emailing

💡 How to Report Harm from Distribution of Youth Harmful Information

(a) PDing ID or nickname

(b) Email address for response

(c) Report URL

(d) Type of report (Harmful content / Illegal filming / Other)

(e) Reason for the report

Step 2. Investigation adn Action

The youth protection center personnel ( will conduct an investigation based on the received information and implement the Youth Protection Policy.

  • 1. Youth Access Restriction and Management Measures for Harmful Information

    To prevent youths from being exposed to harmful information without any restriction, certification devices are applied to youth-harmful media, and preventive measures are taken to avoid exposure.

  • 2. Raising User Awareness

    Guidance and necessary measures are prepared to make it easy for users to understand that engaging in inappropriate behavior can lead to restrictions and legal liabilities, including strategies for dealing with new forms of harmful information.

  • 3. Protection of Personal Information

    The company notifies through the terms of use and other means that misusing someone else's personal information can lead to civil and criminal liabilities, and mechanisms are in place to ensure actual consent from parents (legal guardians)

  • 4. Dealing with Misconduct

    Monitoring is conducted to protect youths from harmful information and prevent the spread of damage. Counseling and grievance handling are provided through the youth protection center.

The headquarters of PDing is located at PDing, LLC.

(Address: 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958, County Of Sussex, United States of America).

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